As a specialist for difficult challenges in punching and shaping technology, that is how we see ourselves.
If we have to solve demanding tasks together with our partners, we can use our extensive knowledge.
We have over 90 years of experience in metal processing and know exactly what is most important to achieve constant quality in production in the fastest way possible. As soon as we know your requirements, we think about alternative possibilities to find the best solution.
We are often successful in developing innovative and simultaneously efficient possibilities that were not yet up for discussion at this point in time.
We cooperate closely with our partners from the automobile industry, machine building and electrical technology from component delivery to series production. At any rate, our qualified employees are prepared to go to the limits of what is possible for convincing results.
The basis for this is formed by our modern tool machines and processing centres for optimal productivity under the most economic aspects. From the prototype to the null series and mass production for metal parts or combo-parts made of metal and plastic, we are prepared to think and act under tight schedules.
Our acceptance as a system partner in the area of punching and shaping technology is continually growing as a result.